Monday, November 14, 2011

Malaysia - Negotiation

Petikan ini adalah di ambil dari buku yang di tulis oleh mendiang Stephen Holley, Setiausaha Tetap pertama kepada Ketua Menteri pertama Sabah, Donald Stephens.Buku ini bertajuk 'A White Headhunter in Borneo'.

Petikan ini adalah dari Chapter 12 - Malaysia - Negotiations.

Penulis memberi pandangan beliau mengenai 20 Perkara secara ringkas.

The "Twenty Points" as agreed by the main political parties, parties more in name than in substance, formed the basis of North Borneo's representations. They are set out in Appendix 1(this is the 20 Points). Over the years they seem to have acquired the aura of a Charter of Independence, but they were what would now be called a political manisfesto, a statement of aims and desires. They provided the only composite statement of views upon which the nascent political parties could agree. With hindsight, they give the impression of hasty preparation with contributors coming from several different viewpoints, and this is true, a consequence of the lack of political experience and structure at that time.

What they do illustrate, however, are the matters about which the people of North Borneo felt most deeply; no State religion, the use of English as the official language of Sabah, a new Federal Constitution, not just the Malayan constitution with amendments, strong State control over immigration, and the retention of British officers until their posts could be filled by people from North Borneo..

Saya menggalakkan kawan - kawan membaca buku ini, kerana buku ini telah di tulis oleh salah seorang pegawai yang telah membangunkan North Borneo dari kemusnahan Perang Dunia Ke - 2 sehingga menjadi sebuah Negara yang maju dari segi ekonomi dalam masa 18 tahun sahaja. Sabah merupakan negeri yang maju dari segi ekonomi dan sudah menjadi tumpuan bagi rakyat dari negara Philipine dan Indonesia pada masa tersebut. Malangnya rakyat tempatan yang mempunyai pendidikan yang tinggi amat la kurang.....

Happy reading if you get your hands on that book. Cheers.

By Nicholas James Guntobon in UBF-AGENDA BORNEO

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